Social Way

Morupule Coal Mine Social Way Principles

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The Social Way is the governing framework for the Social Performance for Morupule Coal Mine operations and all other activities related to the mine operations. Social Performance encompasses stakeholder engagement, management of social risks and their impacts, human rights and community socio economic development. Main principle is to deliver a lasting positive contribution to communities


Manage social risks and impacts


Respect Human Rights


Engage with affected and interested stakeholders


Empower vulnerable and marginalized groups


Integrate Social Performance into the operational processes

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External Complaints and Grievance Procedures

Key to social way is the reporting and resolving Social Incidents. These areactivities by the operation (directly/indirectly) that may be minor but if not addressed well can cause conflict. MCM has taken a step to introduce Complaints and Grievance boxes at different areas where people can lodge their complaints.

These boxes have the toll free number and all incidents reported through the boxes or any other means are recorded and monitored.

Socio Economic Development

Social Way also dictates the prioritization of Socio Economic Development. As a result, MCM Socio Economic Development programs are set to respond to 7 pillars which support to achieve sustainable communities and sustainable stakeholder relationships. SED also stipulates the importance of partnership to achieve sustainable development beyond life of Mine with Business and strategic partners. These seven pillars are;


Corporate Social Investment (CSI)

MCM reaches out to impact communities through funding of projects and other legacy and sustainable developments. The CSI Policy clearly defines categories that range from Education, Sport, Arts, Culture and Heritage, Health and Wellness etc, that are considered for funding


Synergies with Mine Infrastructure

MCM commits to engage with communities where possible to assist with any mine infrastructure such as fire and emergency rescue etc.

Local Employment

MCM aims to ensure equitable distribution of wealth through upliftment of local communities by ensuring to hire within the local labour send. This shall be done by advertising jobs at Kgotla and Regional Labour office.


Local Procurement

MCM shall strive to support local suppliers and SMMEs through sourcing of goods and frequent engagement for provision of services.


Enterprise Development

Create a conducive environment and programs that will help local entrepreneurs and enterprises to do good business through in-house and expert partner training


External Capacity Building

Programs directed at youth development through skills strengthening to equip them in the ever changing markets

Employee Volunteerism

Employees using their own time to further the ideals of the business through engaging the community, youth and school going children in motivational talks, mentoring, helping with assignments etc.